
Engimmonia project will be developed in nine Work Packages (WP), all of them proactively interacting with external stakeholders.

WP1 - Project Management, Monitoring, and Assessment

This Work Package is dedicated to the project Management and the coordination of the whole project from the technical and administrative perspective, including the data assessment and ethics part.

WP2 - Ammonia combustion and emission modelling

This Work Package aims at developing experimentally validated prediction tools needed for designing and optimizing commercial applications of ammonia powered ship engines., The prediction tools are built around kinetic models for ammonia and pilot fuel towards CFD simulations to be compared with experimental data.

WP3 - Real scale ammonia engine testing

This Work Package is focused on real-scale ammonia engine tests (2 and 4 strokes) to evaluate the actual emissions and gather operational data for the models’ validations.

WP4 - Development of the exhaust after-treatment system (EATS) for the ammonia engine

This Work Package aims at developing the EATS for the ammonia engine, starting from the evaluation of the catalytic processes in the flue gas of the dual-fuel engine and considering the actual emission levels measured in WP3.

WP5 - Development of clean energy solutions for marine application

This Work Package is focused on the development and prototype realization of ENGIMMONIA clean energy solutions for marine applications. (ORC system, adsorption chiller, Photovoltaic panels) and the energy performance monitoring and Management tool. 

WP6 - Integration, and testing of solutions on-board and full-scale evaluation

This Work Package is dedicated to the integration and testing of the developed solutions on-board of 3 different vessels and the evaluation of the related health and safety aspects

WP7 - Technologies evaluation and impact assessment towards replication

This Work Package is focused on the evaluation of the impact of the different technologies, starting from the ammonia engine testing and the vessels monitoring, and on the scale-up optimization and replication of the proposed solutions.

WP8 - Regulatory, policy, infrastructure, and safety aspects

This Work Package is focused on the analysis of the health and safety requirements, and the regulatory, policy, infrastructure, and Naval Classification aspects, in relation to the ENGIMMONIA technologies, to define recommendations and a TRL9 strategy.

WP9 - Dissemination, exploitation, and communication of results

This Work Package is dedicated to the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of the results to guarantee the widest possible reach and the most relevant stakeholders for the project as well as the agreement among the partners on the IPR Management.